Consultation workshop on status on EPR implementation for WEEE and further opportunities for its improvement

The consultation workshop on status on EPR implementation for WEEE and further opportunities for its improvement in the Republic of Moldova took place on 10 November 2022.

The meeting objectives were to:

  • to present the findings of status on the EPR implementation in Moldova, gap analysis report and technical review of selected EPR schemes in regards to their technical, environmental and economic performance
  • to discuss recommendations to address identified shortcomings in implementing the EPR legislation for WEEE in Moldova
  • to define recommendation to increase efficiency on EPR implementation and suggest legal amendments.


The meeting gathered representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Environment Agency and Environment Protection Inspection, as well as Customs Service, and representatives of relevant business community, namely the biggest companies that place on the market electric and electronic equipment – Î.C.S. BM TECHNOTRADE S.R.L S.R.L. AV ELECTRONIC, and the created business associations for implementing the EPR principle – „Moldcontrol” Employers Association, „Eco Save” Foundation, Public Association „Univers Ecologic”.


Since the Republic of Moldova intends to update the legal framework for the implementation of Article 12 of Waste Law, there is an urgent need to better understand the conditions under which EPR systems can perform well and how they deliver best results. To address this knowledge gap, it is important to develop an independent study that analyses the performance of different EPR schemes and provides recommendations for the effective implementation of existing and upcoming requirements.


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