Monitoring Ukraine’s Progress towards Green Economy using Green Growth Indicators

The kick-off meeting on “Monitoring Ukraine’s Progress towards Green Economy using Green Growth Indicators” took place on 29 March 2021.

The meeting discussed:

  • benefits of green growth indicators framework;
  • existing and proposed set of GGIs for Ukraine;
  • availability of data for Ukraine needed to apply each green growth indicator; and,
  • any identified substitutes for green growth indicators.


The meeting gathered the representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and  Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture (including National Focal Points), State Statistics Service of Ukraine, civil society and other national stakeholders. The representatives the EU Delegation in Ukraine also joined the meeting.


In Ukraine, the initial steps to apply the Green Growth Indicators (GGIs) framework was done in 2012-2014. The pilot independent monitoring report for Ukraine was produced, covering available data as of December 2013.

Today, the readiness of the Ukrainian Government to contribute to the EU Green Deal initiative launched in 2019 creates a unique opportunity to build on these efforts to improve the framework for monitoring progress towards green growth.

The OECD Green Growth Indicators enable the monitoring of progress towards four objectives: i) establishing a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy; ii) maintaining the natural asset base; iii) improving people’s quality of life; and iv) implementing appropriate policy to realize the economic opportunities of green growth. This framework has already been applied by many OECD countries and beyond.

Meeting documents:

Save the date (English | Ukrainian)

Logistical note

Agenda (English | Ukrainian)

Presentation slides:

Monitoring Ukraine’s progress towards green economy using the OECD green growth framework (Krzysztof Michalak, OECD)

Cистема індикаторів зеленого зростання (Андрій Андрусевич, Ресурсно-аналітичний центр «Суспільство і довкілля»)

Основні засади державної екологічної політики України на період до 2030 року (Андрій Андрусевич, Ресурсно-аналітичний центр «Суспільство і довкілля»)

Background documents:

Report of Green Transformation in Ukraine: Based on Green Growth Indicators

EU4Environment final work plan Ukraine

EU4Environment Regional work plan

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