Sub-regional workshop on the Practical Application of SEA and transboundary EIA

Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes

The workshop enabled more than 40 representatives of environmental authorities from the six beneficiary countries to discuss and analyze the progress and lessons learnt by their countries on the development of their SEA and EIA systems in the past years. Participants of the workshop were able to receive guidance and training from UNECE international consultants on SEA and EIA, taking into account good practice examples from the countries in the European Union and the UNECE region. The event contributed to promoting subregional cooperation in the area of SEA and EIA as well as to further developing environmental assessment systems at the national level.


The workshop gathered representatives of government authorities and entities, and other relevant stakeholders from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.


Within the framework of the EU-funded EU4Environment programme (2019 – 2022), UNECE is assisting Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in comprehensive capacity-building and institution building on SEA and transboundary EIA and in finalizing legal reforms in this area.

The subregional workshop was organized on 26-27 October 2020 as a virtual event. It was built on the results, progress and lessons learnt by the countries on the development of their SEA and EIA systems in line with the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment, Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, the EU Directive on SEA and the EU Directive on EIA. The workshop was facilitated by UNECE international consultants on SEA and EIA.

Meeting documents:


Press release

Summary Record (forthcoming)

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