The 3rd Regional Capacity Building Workshop on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the Eastern Partner countries took place on 29 October 2021.
The overall aim of the 3rd Regional Workshop was to summarise the regional needs of the six partner countries in the best possible way, based on the discussions that took place during the 1st and 2nd Regional Workshops, as well as offer further support and guidance for the implementation of a functioning of EPR.
The objectives of the third regional workshop were to:
- present and discuss the immediate and long-term actions regarding EPR in the six partner countries;
- present and discuss internal EPR planning (fee calculations, eco-modulation, Coordinating Committee, EPR and DRS);
- present and discuss the importance of the state’s role in EPR implementation with industry-owned EPR systems;
- present and discuss the integration of the informal sector in the organised waste collection; and
- discuss further regional support potential and the learnings of the six partner countries thus far from the EU4Environment programme.
The event brought together around 100 participants from EaP countries, including representatives of relevant Ministries, local authorities, UNEP, international organizations, the EU Delegation, private sector and CSOs.
The application of strategic approaches to waste management can assist in addressing countries’ overarching waste management challenges. To this end, within EU4Environment’s component 2.4 on “The use of strategic approaches on waste management” UNEP supports countries in promoting development of comprehensive sustainable waste management policies and policy instruments. More specifically, under Activity 2.4.2 Initiating/assisting the establishment of Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) schemes, UNEP provides technical assistance to EaP countries in the establishment of EPR schemes for the packaging waste streams. This will be achieved through the provision of advisory services and capacity development/trainings to policy makers, procurement practitioners, businesses and business associations, as well as Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and other stakeholders.
Meeting documents