Call for provision of services to introduce the Single Market for Green Products (SMGP) initiative in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova

EU4Environment is looking for organizations and institutions ready to support UNIDO in the introduction of the Single Market for Green Products (SMGP) initiative in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the Republic of Moldova.

The activity is part of the “Circular Economy and New Growth Opportunities” work implemented by UNIDO under the EU4Environment Action in the EU’s Eastern Partner (EaP) countries.

Organizations from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the Republic of Moldova are kindly asked to express their interest in supporting UNIDO to introduce the SMGP initiative and promote the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF).

When submitting a tender, organizations can choose one country, two countries, or all three countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the Republic of Moldova) to provide their support services.

To submit a quote, please click here: (Reference: 7000005780).

Deadline: 15 September 2022 (18:30 GMT 2.00)

For further information, please contact Ms Dragana Marusic at

About the SMGP initiative and PEF

To become “environmentally-friendly” or obtain “eco-labels”, products and services can use a variety of voluntary methods to stand out within their product category or sector. In the European Union (EU) alone, there are over 230 eco-labels, but for companies trying to market their products as environmentally friendly, striking the right balance between market opportunities and market challenges can be difficult. The wide variety of “ecolabels” – each with its own methodological requirements, may result in additional costs or delays for the companies, and in confusion for the consumers.

To address these issues, enhance comparability within a product category, and give clear indicators to producers and consumers alike, the European Commission introduced under the 2013 Single Market for Green Products (SMGP) initiative, the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF).

For more details, please visit or read our dedicated leaflet:

Published on 23/08/2022

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