Towards a green economy in Moldova with a new set of green growth indicators

EU4Environment has launched the project on updating the national set of the green growth indicators GGIs in the Republic of Moldova. This work aims to develop an independent monitoring report on progress of the Republic of Moldova towards green growth. It will contribute to the preparation of the new Action Plan for the Programme on the promotion of green economy for the years 2022-2024  and the development of the Environmental Strategy till 2030 by demonstrating the achievements and gaps in green economy promotion in the country and drawing a baseline for the next implementation period.

This project is based on the work done earlier under the EU-funded “EaP GREEN” project (2013-18), under which the OECD supported Moldova in developing a set of national Green Growth Indicators to provide a monitoring basis for the Road Map on Green Economy Promotion in Moldova. The result of this work was the preparation of a report “Measuring the performance of green economic development in the Republic of Moldova”, published in 2017.

The OECD-based green growth indicators monitor progress towards four objectives: i) establishing a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy; ii) maintaining the natural asset base; iii) improving people’s quality of life; and iv) implementing appropriate policy to realize the economic opportunities of green growth.

A special session on the presentation of GGIs as part of the Inter-ministerial Working Group meeting on the promotion of Sustainable Development and Green Economy was organised to present the framework, preliminary findings of the project, and discuss on how the indicators will be used by policy-makers to monitor green transformation in the Republic of Moldova.

Published on 29/09/2021

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