EU4Environment national conference in Moldova: resource efficiency is putting Circular Economy in motion for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

EU4Environment hosted a national conference in Moldova on 1 February 2024. The event took place in a hybrid format. The event was organized within the “Made in Moldova 2024” (“Fabricat în Moldova-2024”) exhibition.

The venue was located within the Digital Park, Strada Mihai Viteazul Nr. 15, Chișinău, the Republic of Moldova.

The event highlighted and promoted resilience and green growth among Moldovan enterprises by showcasing the benefits of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in the transition to a green and circular economy. Additionally, it provided an opportunity to share experiences and lessons learned on implementing the RECP methodology within Moldova’s industrial and manufacturing sector by highlighting examples of eco-innovation in target sectors (wine making, construction, and textile production in particular) and presenting means to access support tools, financing, and services (both national and from the European Union). Additionally, the national conference promised to be a platform for discussing potential synergies and collaborations within other national and international initiatives, and to advance the national policy on the green transition of SMEs.

Draft agenda (EnglishRomanian)

Press release (English | Romanian)

Media advisory

Related materials:

Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology leaflets: (English | Romanian)

RECP success stories

Participants are kindly invited to complete the evaluation form at the end of the event.

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