Awareness Raising Workshop on the Practical Application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Republic of Moldova

The workshop on “Awareness Raising Workshop on the Practical Application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Republic of Moldova” took place on 23 April 2021.

Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes

The main objectives of the workshop were to:

  • promote the application of SEA in Moldova in line with the requirements of the UNECE Protocol on SEA, EU SEA Directive and the national legislation on SEA.
  • support relevant national authorities by raising awareness about the benefits of SEA, including as a tool for making post-COVID-19 economic recovery initiatives green and sustainable;
  • facilitate the engagement of key stakeholders in the process of refining Moldova’s national SEA system.
  • take stock of the already existing experience and capacity for SEA application in Moldova as well as of the needs in this area.


The meeting gathered participants from the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, Environmental Agency, sectoral ministries and agencies as well as environmental NGOs active in this area.


UNECE is assisting the Eastern Partnership countries, including the Republic of Moldova, in comprehensive capacity-building and institutional building on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and transboundary EIA and in finalizing legal reforms in this area. Following the principles and procedures laid down in the UNECE Protocol on SEA to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) and in the European Union’s Directive on SEA (2001/42/EC), the Republic of Moldova is implementing SEA to allow for identification of the most sustainable and cost-effective strategic development alternatives and attracting new investments, while safeguarding and improving the environment.

The workshop is the second of two such events to be organized under the EU4Environment workplan for the Republic of Moldova to promote the more systematic and effective application of SEA in accordance with the EU SEA Directive, UNECE Protocol on SEA and the national legislation on SEA. It will consider relevant developments in the area of SEA since November 2019 when the first event was held ( The workshop will be facilitated by SEA consultants to UNECE.

Meeting documents

Agenda (EnglishRomanian)



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