The “Guidelines for Managing Forest Habitats on Georgia’s Emerald Sites” offer comprehensive guidance for the forestry sector in addressing management challenges within the Emerald Network. They provide solutions to meet the Bern Convention’s requirements and harmonize forestry activities with the network’s standards, particularly for Emerald sites outside the national protected areas system. The guidelines target state institutions, municipalities, private companies, environmental organizations, managers, and foresters, assisting them in planning forestry operations that ensure the long-term conservation of species and habitats.
The key objectives include implementing the Bern Convention in Georgia, integrating Natura 2000 Network requirements into forest management to support EU integration, and promoting multipurpose forest management within the Emerald Network. Additionally, the guidelines aim to contribute to national conservation goals outlined in Georgia’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and share European best practices in forest resource utilization with policymakers and practitioners.