Call for Azerbaijani enterprises to join the RECP Clubs in Baku and Ganja

EU4Environment is looking for enterprises to join the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Clubs in Baku or Ganja.

The RECP Club in Baku is hosted by the Sustainable Development and Green Economy Centre named after Nizami Ganjavi under UNEC, while the RECP Club in Ganja is hosted by the Center for Sustainable Smart Cities and Regions named after Nizami Ganjavi within the Ganja State University.

The purpose of the RECP Clubs is to develop and pilot a lean support model for enterprises, in particular, for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Each Club involves 8-10 small enterprises for which it provides practical RECP support. Upon the completion of the RECP Club programme, each member enterprise would have developed an actionable RECP plan and have started its implementation. The action plan is developed and put in place on a thematic basis. Each theme/module is introduced during a 2-3 hrs workshop that ends with guidance for member enterprises to practically apply the knowledge gained. Following the workshop, enterprises report back on their experiences (fostering, also, collective learning) and are introduced to the next topic. In total, 6 modules are delivered in intervals of about 3 weeks over a period of approximately 4 months.

Throughout this process, the RECP Clubs Facilitator provides on-site guidance and coaching to the Club members. The Facilitator undertakes 3-4 technical visits to the selected companies for a quick scan, review of the gathered data, and support the identification and evaluation of RECP measures. Via email and telephone conversations, contact is maintained to support and coach companies during the project implementation. A summary consisting of the environmental action plan report is progressively developed by each company of the RECP Club.


The companies interested to participate should meet the following requirements:

  • Be registered as a local legal entity and be operational in Azerbaijan.
  • Be a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME).
  • Be engaged in or part of the manufacturing industry.

This activity is undertaken by the national team of UNIDO under the EU4Environment Action in Azerbaijan. The team consist of a National Coordinator and a consortium of companies led by ACE Group Consultants, a National Implementing Partner on RECP. The national team will handle the application, selection, interview, and contracting of the demonstration companies.

APPLICATION PROCEDURES: to apply, please fill in and sign the application and expression of interest form and send it along with the TAX ID to Nijat Babayev at:

Tel: (+994 12) 488 68 32

Tel/Fax: (+994 12) 488 67 91

Mobile (office): (+994 50) 407 22 76

Only short-listed companies will be invited to an interview.


Published on 02/11/2022


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