Introductory workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement and Eco-labelling in the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Introductory workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement and Eco-labelling in the Republic of Azerbaijan took place on 20 December 2022.

The training workshop was moderated by representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Key objectives of the training workshop were to:

  • present UNEP’s approach on SPP and eco-labelling, including key achievements/lessons learned as part of EU4Environment work in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine;
  • present the current status of public procurement in Azerbaijan and existing frameworks to introduce/promote SPP principals;
  • share international experiences on eco-labelling schemes and inform participants about existing/potential eco-labelling mechanisms in Azerbaijan; and
  • discuss the process of preparing a status assessment and a legal review of SPP and eco-labelling schemes in Azerbaijan.


Representatives of the relevant governmental institutions and business associations in Azerbaijan, as well as other key national stakeholders, the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan, and UNEP representatives.


Under EU4Environment’s component on “circular economy and new growth opportunities”, UNEP, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, will implement a set of activities to promote SPP and eco-labelling. More specifically, this work will be aimed at (i) raising awareness of governmental authorities and the business sector (including small and medium enterprises and business associations) on the benefits of SPP, and (ii) building capacity of businesses to respond to public procurement tenders with sustainability criteria.

Agenda (English | Azerbaijani)

Presentation slides

EU4Environment achievements on SPP and eco-labelling in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine (English | Azerbaijani)

Ecolabels (English | Azerbaijani)

Ukrainian experience and progress on SPP and eco-labelling (English | Azerbaijani)

UNEP’s SPP approach (English | Azerbaijani)

Global overview of Sustainable Public Procurement implementation (English | Azerbaijani)


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