Training seminar on Sustainable Public Procurement in the Republic of Moldova

The training seminar Sustainable Public Procurement in the Republic of Moldova took place on 8-9 November 2023.

Objectives of the training seminar

  • Presentation on the current status, legal framework and perspectives of promotion and application of SPP in the Republic of Moldova
  • Presentation of 5 priority products for SPP identified in the result the prioritization exercise and market readiness in the country
  • Presentation of technical specifications and sustainability criteria for 5 prioritized product groups
  • Training of the participant on how to use the elaborated specifications and sustainability criteria for SPP pilot tenders.


Representatives of contracting authorities, economic operators, employees of the PPA, control entities etc.


UNEP in close cooperation with the Public Procurement Agency (PPA) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova implements a set of activities on promotion and application of SPP. It includes improvement of the legislation to introduce the SPP provisions, elaboration of complementary tools (by-laws, guidelines, training and communication materials), identification of priority goods and services for SPP pilot tenders accompanied by elaboration of the sustainability criteria per prioritised products. Raising awareness of governmental authorities, as well as the business sector, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and business associations on the SPP benefits is envisaged in order to build capacity of business to respond to public tenders.


Presentation slides:

Ecolabels and SPP mutually reinforcing tools (Laetitia Montero, UNEP)

Importance of capacity building events, communication and training materials for promotion of SPP (Lesya Nikolayeva, UNEP)


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