Meeting of the Inter-ministerial Working Group on the promotion of Sustainable Development and Green Economy

The meeting of the Inter-ministerial Working Group on the promotion of Sustainable Development and Green Economy took place on 12 February 2021.

The meeting objectives were:

  • to present the status of the implementation of EU4Environment in Moldova in 2020, including adjustments that have had to be made due to the global pandemic and other political developments;
  • to present the detailed work plans for the first 6 months of 2021 and general activity plans till the end of 2021 (with contribution/presentation from Implementing Partners), including planned EU4Environment regional events;
  • to present the preparations for the EU Green Week in June 2021, as well as other related environmental events in 2021 (both at national and regional levels);
  • to ensure synergies with other international projects/programmes under implementation in Moldova and region;
  • to inform the EU4Environment implementing partners about the possibilities and needs regarding the implementation of the EU4Environment programme in Moldova (and at the regional level, as appropriate);
  • other discussion items.


The meeting  gathered participants from State secretaries (NFPs/Co-chairs from MEI and MARDE), Members of the NIC/WG on SD and GE/NIC of EU4Environment in Moldova, representatives of governmental agencies, MEI, MARDE, ODIMM, APP, AEE, academic sector, environmental NGOs, DG NEAR, DG Environment, Delegation of the EU in RM, representatives of Implementing Partners (OECD, UNEP, UNECE and UNIDO, WB).

Meeting documents

Agenda (English | Romanian)

Summary Record (English | Romanian)

Meeting presentations

EU4Environment in Moldova: Progress in 2020 and Plans for 2021

EU4Environment EU Green Week in Moldova


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