Advancing the green path in Armenia – awareness workshop on the Product Environmental Footprint methodology and its benefits for manufacturing enterprises

On 13 March 2023, EU4Environment invited representatives from industrial enterprises, local authorities and agencies, business associations, and NGOs in Armenia to an awareness-raising workshop on the introduction of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the European Union Single Market for Green Product (SMGP) initiative.

The event was open to all stakeholders interested in and working on issues related to green economy, circular economy, Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP), and environmental protection. The meeting was organized by UNIDO in collaboration with PRé Sustainability (the Netherlands) and national partners.

The event was organized in a hybrid format and presented the PEF methodology and the benefits of introducing greener products in the country. The workshop featured presentations and discussions with experts in the field and provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the concept of green or environmentally-friendly products. It was hosted in both Armenian and English (with simultaneous interpretation).

The workshop covered topics related to instruments and strategies to promote green products, including eco-labelling (specifying the current national situation), associated legislative background, and benefits for different target groups. The potential impact of applying the PEF methodology for Armenian enterprises exporting to the EU market was also explored. The workshop provided an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and engage in topical discussions.

EU4Environment and the introduction of the EU SMGP initiative 

Within EU4Environment Action, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is introducing the EU SMGP and PEF methodology in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, including Armenia. Here, UNIDO is supported by Civitta, a consultancy firm with extensive experience in environmental and sustainability projects.

“The implementation of the EU4Environment programme in Armenia is an important step in promoting sustainable production and consumption practices and their environmental benefits.” said Ms Anahit Simonyan, UNIDO Country Representative in Armenia. “We encourage everyone to take advantage of this unique opportunity and learn about environmental footprint in the country.”


Press release


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